Winter Break

December 21, 2013

I went to sleep before writing anything last night. I was going to write something this morning, but I was feeling incredibly unfocused. It’s the first full day of winter break, and I just felt like sleeping all day.

Instead of sleeping all day, I made myself do a household chore that I have been putting off for months. I cleaned the stove. Then I made myself run a few outside errands. Then I finished knitting a hat and forced myself to get my shit together and go to a friend’s house for a crafternoon. I wasn’t even out of the house 2 minutes when I got a weird nod from some dude driving down my street. Either my brand new bleach blonde hair was the culprit, or the super short skirt I was wearing. Or, I was just walking down the street and dude was an asshole. Did I mention it’s 60 degrees in Ohio in December? Nope? Well it is, and it’s pretty flipping awesome.

At this point, I don’t have bleach blonde hair anymore, because that was hours ago, and I’ve since dyed my hair a pretty vibrant blue. It’s kind of an Alice in Wonderland blue, though it’s a little annoying trying to get the lighting right in a selfie. I half blinded myself with the flash on my cell phone camera just to get it right.

I have one last thing to make for the holidays, and then I am done with the annoying gifting part and ready to hang out with my family. Another thing I am hugely looking forward to is that some of my best friends in the world (who happen to live far away) are in town, and there’s a chance for two of them to finally meet face to face. They only know each other through me, and they’re such total peas in a pod, it’ll be wonderful to actually see them meet in person. Hoping I can help make that happen! Pretty much the three of us are the Powerpuff Girls. If we ever all end up at DragonCon at the same time, we should totally do that group costume. It would be amazing. Oh, how I have digressed!

I think I have gotten winter break started off all right. I really need to get things more organized in my life right now, so that is what I am focussing on. So tomorrow, my goal for blogging is to do two posts. One in the same sort of blathering vein I have been doing just about all month, and one creative piece. I think more than anything, when I am talking about getting organized, I am talking about my creative endeavors. I need to make a plan and follow it, or at the very least, see where it leads me.

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