I passed my capstone defense. Totally to brag, I not only passed, but I passed without revisions. This means that I was able to turn in the entire project after my defense instead of revising for two weeks and turning in a revised copy.
I was the 4th person in the history of the program to pass without revisions (in the creative writing track). Granted, the program has only been around since 2008, but still, it’s quite an honor and a nice achievement to have unlocked.
I was hopeful when I awoke that morning, and so I printed out a copy of the entire project, hoping I would just get to turn it in and be done with it. Luckily, that is exactly what happened.
People ask a lot about what the actual defense process is like. Basically, you sit in a room with your capstone chair and two readers, and explain the project to them, and perhaps read a section of it. This should all be contained to about ten minutes. I decided that I wanted to record part of my project since it was written in audio play format. So I chose a few narrative portions of the project, and compiled them. My audio editing skills still need a lot of work, but I am learning.
I knew I was going to pass my defense, but I did not realize it was going to go as smoothly as it did. I suppose I should feel proud of myself, and I do, but for me, there was never any doubt that all my hard work was going to pay off. End brag.